How to Set Up an Email Series in MailChimp for Interact Quiz Results

Creating a quiz as your lead magnet is a way to attract people and maintain a closer relationship with your audience.

After people finish your quiz, they get an individual result. Also, if you integrated your Interact account with the email system, the data about the quiz will automatically go to your email list.

Let people know that you know what they want, understand how they feel, and show them how you can help them to get what they are looking for. Create a personalized email series based on the quiz results that people get.

As simple as it sounds, technically it can be challenging to organize that in MailChimp. This post gives a brief explanation of how to do that, but it wasn’t enough for non-advanced MailChimp users like me.

After some research and several tests, here is the detailed guide on how to set up an email series in MailChimp based on Interact quiz results.

When people subscribe to get their quiz results, get them to the specific segment in MailChimp right away. Then, set up an automation process to send them the follow-up emails.

The process looks like this:

  • They get to the main email list

  • The result of the quiz is updated in their email data

  • Based on the result, they will get several emails. The first one with their results goes right away after they finish the quiz. Then they will receive a few emails with tips specific to their quiz results.

I’ll use this score type quiz What Type of Influencer Are You as an Entrepreneur? as an example.

woman sitting on step in What type of influencer are you quiz cover

How to Set up Segments in MailChimp

A quiz has several different results. Before you start sending any emails create a specific merge field in MailChimp that will store the result of the quiz for each person.

In your MailChimp account go to your audience page and select Settings -> Audience fields and *|MERGE|* tags.

Mailchimp form to set tags for segments

Add a new field for the quiz result and save the changes. I named it Influencer Quiz.

Mailchimp field named Influencer Quiz

When you set up the integration with MailChimp in your Interact quiz, add the action to each result people get to update the quiz result data in your email system.

Showing the step to add actions to Interact Quiz Integration

When you type what value you want to update the merge field, make sure that there is no extra space after the text. The way you write it here, you will use in the MailChimp segmentation process to run the email automation.

MailChimp Actions Aspiring Star

On the Fields step of integration of your Interact quiz with MailChimp, don’t synchronize a Quiz Score Value with your result merge field in MailChimp (our Influencer Quiz). Otherwise, MailChimp will overwrite the data with the score number as it’s a score type quiz.

For the segmentation, I want to see the type of personality a person gets in the email system, not the score they got.

Integration form with the correct values to segment audience

After you finish, save and publish a quiz.

How to set up a welcome email series for a segment in MailChimp

Now, we’ll create the segments for the results of the Interact quiz in MailChimp. On your MailСhimp audience page, select Manage Contacts -> Segments.

Mailchimp dropdown menu to segment audience

Click Create a Segment.

Screenshot showing how to create a segment

Pick the criteria for the segment. In our case, it will be the merge field Influencer Quiz (or the one that you created for collecting the Interact quiz results).

One of the results that people get after finishing and Influencer Quiz is Aspiring Star. Type it the same as in your Interact quiz settings.

Screenshot showing the segments in Mailchimp matches Interact quiz results

Save a segment.

How to save segment in Mailchimp

Then, you can create an email or email series for the segment. Click Send Campaign -> An email campaign.

Screenshot showing where to start an email campaign

Choose Email.

Screenshot showing where to start an email

Go to Automated -> Respond to subscriber’s update.

Screenshot showing how to setup an automated campaign

You need List field change.

screenshot for list field change in Mailchimp

Now you can set the triggers that will send the emails to people after the specific event. Edit the condition for the first trigger.

screenshot showing how to edit trigger for when to send email

Change it to send immediately after a person subscribes. They will get their results for the quiz, and his or her profile got automatically updated in MailChimp with the quiz result.

Screenshot with changed time to send first email

After that, you can design an email that you want to send.

screenshot of where to click to design email

template design for Mailchimp

Once you finish, you can create many other triggers using the previous steps. For example, you can send the next email in one day.

In a new trigger add the condition wait for 1 day after your merge field (our Influencer Quiz) updated with the current result (our Aspiring Star).

screenshot showing how to change time for second email

To avoid sending emails for different results if a person took a quiz twice and the first email sequence isn’t finished yet add the condition that the person needs to be in the same email list segment as the result he or she got.

how to make sure subscribers are only in one segment

screenshot with second step for only one segment

After you finish adding all email series to this segment base on your Interact quiz results review your campaigns, save and start sending.

screenshot showing how completed series looks in Mailchimp that's ready to send


The interact quiz helps you to group people by the specific criteria. Using the MailChimp segments, you can always send more personal campaigns to your audience, not only as a welcome series but also separate sales emails which will have a higher conversion.

Let me how the lead generation using Interact quizzes work for you.

If you need help understanding a particular concept from this post, leave me a comment below, and I’ll try to clear things up.

What is the best quiz for you business?

Quizzes are super effective for lead generation and selling products. Find the best quiz for your business by answering a few questions.

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